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Rev Username Login

The Username Authentication methods include the following endpoints:

  • Username Login
  • Username Logoff
  • Extend Session

This set of endpoints are typically used for Server side/automation workflows that use a single Rev account dedicated for API automation and allow developers to authenticate with Rev using a specific Rev username and password. Example: Integrations where no user interface or user interaction is required.

Once a session is established using the Username Login endpoint, subsequent API calls may be limited according to the privileges of the authenticated user. A username and password must be specified. The token value in the response is used to build the authorization Header value for subsequent calls.

Example: Authorization = VBrick <token>

The expiration value in the response indicates the date/time when the session will expire. Please note that the expiration value is determined by the Session Inactivity Timeout value as specified in the Rev Admin console under System Settings->Security.

The userId value in the response is the unique identifier of the logged-in user.


Request Body


"username" : "john.smith",
"password": "Password123"

Parameter Type Validations
username string, required username of account trying to login
password string, required password of account trying to login

REQUEST: Login and get an authentication token. change “myusername” and “mypassword” to the credentials for a Rev user.

{curl -XPOST https://MY_REV_URL/api/v2/user/login -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"username":"myusername","password":"mypassword"}'

Response Messages

Successful response

"token": "T9-GJqSH7dQSBqcUUVP0la6IHEyc9cR00Mj2ysD_fPwdKv0JMOcsJ9Sf2jR8nSvwgRgaZasExlH1xd5-XeqmUg2",
"issuer": "VBrick",
"expiration": "2017-08-31T15:00:10.599Z",
"email": "",
"id": "5b8f0285-7627-4ee7-b67b-e2e9e8944279",
"username": "john.smith",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"language": "English"

Unauthorized error

Internal server error